Invisalign Aligners vs Conventional Braces – Which One Should You Choose?

Invisalign Aligners vs Conventional Braces  – Which One Should You Choose? It’s fair to say that over the years, orthodontic treatments have improved leaps and bounds. The stigma that once applied to clunky metal braces has ultimately been erased by revolutionary high-end appliances. Nowadays people are more accepting of orthodontic treatments to straighten their teeth; […]

New Dental Breakthrough All-on-four

Discover All-On-Four Dental Implants – A Real Dental Breakthrough As people are living longer more active lives, losing teeth prematurely can be problematic and damaging to their overall health. While conventional dental implants offer an excellent way to replace missing teeth on a ‘one-for-one’ basis, they aren’t the most practical or cost-effective solution for those […]